Heworth Methodist Church

Drilling the Kenyan borehole - water has been struck

Drilling the Kenyan borehole - water has been struck

Encounter with zebras on the way to Mariakani

Zebras visible from the car on Rachel's trip to Mariakani

Mariakani borehole official opening

Mariakani borehole official opening

Introducing the Heworth Advent Star Trail

A presentation by Alyson about the Heworth Advent Star Trail

Shipping container for Kenya being loaded in Hull

Rev Rachel Muthoni says 'This is Hull in the compound of Century containers. They sold the container to us and allowed us to load it in their compound. We used the van to ferry the items and pack. This lorry is taking the container to Felixstowe dock where it will be shipped to Mombasa port in Kenya It will take at least 30 days from 15th June, so by 15th July it will be there. I will travel to clear from the port of Mombasa and get a lorry to ferry it to Mariakani 30km away, and from our Mariakani Actom base I can distribute the contents to communities in need. Once empty, the container will be converted into offices for the ACTOM charity, currently in the process of creating a borehole for the people of Mariakani. '