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I wonder if you ate any pancakes on Tuesday 4th March 2025?
Some people marked this date as 'Pancake Day'. In some Christian traditions it is also known as Shrove Tuesday, It is followed by Ash Wednesday. which, for many Western Christians, marks the beginning of Lent. This is a time of reflection that helps Christians remember when Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness prior to three years of itinerant ministry. In the wilderness, Jesus reminded us that people don’t live by bread alone.
As Paul Wood and Ian Worsfold write:
… You call us to the wilderness to concentrate the mind
on letting go of many things that stifle humankind.
In some of our times of worship over Lent, we will be exploring ways in which 'SOUL FOOD' sustains and nourishes us: yes, this is about physical food but also about shelter, rest, repair, mates, songs and finding a supportive community. When there is a commitment to justice, peace and forgiveness, communities can become places where all individuals feel welcomed and can simply be themselves.
I wonder in what ways we already share physical and spiritual food with others?
In sharing our stories wtih joy we can nourish others and enable them to experience the joy of knowing a Loving, caring and generous God.
Give us this day our daily bread to feed our soul.
We don’t need distractions of a glitzy package, a brown paper bag does just fine.
Give us this day our daily bread to feed our soul.
To nourish our minds and warm our hearts, to enrich our faith, our belief, our life…
Give us this day our daily bread to feed our soul.
Let us never forget you are our God, the giver of love and joy and hope.
O Lord our God, on this Lenten journey, feed our souls this day we pray. Amen
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