Heworth Methodist Church

Pastoral Messages

In the Methodist Church, June is Bible Month - this is a time when there is a focus on one particular book of the Bible. 

In 2024, we are exploring the Book of Genesis. The opening story of God's Creation tells how God lovingly, artistically and intentionally creates life. 

We are also lovingly, artistially and intentionally created to partner with God in the continued nurturing of that life. 

There are choices humans face each moment of each day - how well do we make those choices? 

Any choice, brings consequences; some positive and some negative.

How ready are we to make choices that give value and worth to others? Are our choices informed by Justice and Grace?  


Prayer  (Roots 9th - 22nd  June 2024)

God of Creation, you see us just as we are- deep inside - and not just the outside stuff.

Thank you Lord, that you love us and you can help us to make wise choices.

When we notice your Love in our hearts, we can make positive choices. 

Fill us with your Holy Spirit,

so that with your Grace,

we can restore justice amongst all the people and places you have created.. AMEN 


Page last updated: Saturday 8th June 2024 11:08 PM
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