In some of our Sunday worship over Lent, we will be exploring ways in which 'SOUL FOOD' sustains and nourishes us: yes, this is about physical food but also about shelter, rest, repair, mates, songs and finding a supportive community. When there is a commitment to justice, peace and forgiveness, communities can become places where all individuals feel welcomed and can simply be themselves.
I wonder in what ways we already share physical and spiritual food with others?
In sharing stories of God at work in our lives, we can nourish others and enable them to experience the joy of knowing a Loving, caring and generous God
The following hymn by Pat Mayberry suggests ways in which we can awaken ourselves to nourish our souls by noticing God in all things around us:
Wake, O my soul, to earth and sea and sky
Wake to the forests, fields the mountains high
Open my eyes to every rock and tree
The Holy in all we see
You the Light of all creation
Blessèd be Your name
Every seed, every soul Your Love proclaim
Wake, O my soul, to justice and to peace
Wake to a world where hate and war shall cease
Where every truth and story is revealed
The wounds of the past can heal
You the Light of all creation
Blessèd be Your name
Every seed, every soul Your Love proclaim
Wake, O my soul, to laughter and to song
Sing alleluia every doubt be gone
Stir in our hearts a sacred harmony
A prayer of community